Monday, August 27, 2012

Coaching Boot Camp

Hello Coaches,

This is the last call to join this 30 day boot camp.  I'm going to give you an outline of what I have planned for this boot camp and which I hope will be a big boost to your business.

We will start this boot camp on Tuesday, September 4 with a kick off conference call at 6:00 p.m. pacific time.  This call (and all weekly calls) will be recorded so if you can't make it you can listen later, but I highly recommend getting on the call so you will have an opportunity to ask questions.  All of our weekly calls will be on Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. pacific time.

During these 4 weeks you will have homework to do, but unlike school it's totally up to you to get it done.  I will ask questions about the things you will be asked to read, but there is no pass or fail.  Since we all live busy lives and, at this point, your Beachbody business is part-time, it should take less than 8 hours a week to complete any homework given.  I will also give some "extra credit" work if anyone has more time and really wants to move their business forward at a faster pace.

I hope you will come away with a better understanding of:

1.  Multi-level or relationship marketing
2.  Your Team Beachbody back office
3.  How to ask questions and listen to answers to better serve your prospects
4.  What you really have to offer to people
5.  The importance of personal development
6.  How to sign up a customer and/or coach and other mechanics of the business

It is my hope that those of you that decide to participate will come away with a new outlook on your business that will give you confidence in what you are sharing.  I want you to feel great about what you have to offer to your friends and family members who may be in need of help with their health or their finances.

Prior to the start of this boot camp I would like you to review the training webinars in your back office if it has been awhile since you watched them.  If you haven't done the training, please get started!  Go into your Beachbody website, click on the Coach Tab, Coach online Office, In the center of the page click on the orange, "Take me to the Academy" button, Click on Basics and start with whichever training you need.  The whole thing takes about 2 hours if you do it in one sitting, but of course, you can break it up to fit your schedule.

I really hope you will invest in your business by participating in this boot camp.  I plan to own a business that brings in a healthy 6 figure income within the next 3 years and I would love to have you with me!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions and look for the e-mail with the call in information!

    Becky Frisk

Frisk Health & Fitness Coaching
Napa, California
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Friday, August 24, 2012

Important Please Read

Hello Coaches,

I wanted to share this blog from Mindy Wender who is now one of Beachbody's top coaches.  She lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (where I'm from, though she is from the other end of the UP), a very small town and didn't start from a very strong position.  

Please take the time to read her story and watch her video.  I think her story is similar to most (if not all) of the top coaches in Beachbody.  This company is probably the only one I've been in where the stars and moneymakers are just every day people who have decided to make a difference for their family and to help others improve either their own health or financial situation.


    Becky Frisk

Frisk Health & Fitness Coaching
Napa, California
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